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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: May 12, 2016

  1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Recognition of Visitors and Board Co-Chairs
    1. Yelena Hardcopf: Present
    2. Oksana Cox: Present
    3. Natalia Kormina: Absent
    4. Elizaveta Lindman: Present
    5. Christian Schmidt: Present (6:55pm)
    6. Ben Wallace: Present
    7. Alex Brusilovsky: Present (7:12pm)
    8. Paul Kinsey, Executive Director, ex officio board member: Present
    9. Visitors in attendance: Whitney Nash, Nicole Larson, Megan Long, Jim Redfield of IQS, Mark Eiylers, and Gedaly Meerovich.
  2. Approval of the Agenda for this meeting
    Approval of the agenda.
    Motion by: Ben Wallace
    Second: Oksana Cox
  3. Read the Nasha Shkola Mission and Vision
    1. Read by the director.
  4. Open Forum for members of the public wishing to address the board
    Mr. Meerovich thanked the chair for emailed agenda, and commented on the observation that other schools use email for marketing purposes.
  5. Reports
    1. Co-Chairs Executive Report- Yelena Hardcopf and Oksana Cox.
      1. MCA tests are complete and students have started taking MAP tests.
      2. Preliminary results on MCA’s will be released in June.
      3. Not a full slate of candidates for annual meeting election.
      4. Our school participated in the festival of nations with the help of music teacher, parents and choir students.
      5. Russian language competition to begin.
      6. Russian language educational center reached out to also participate.
      7. Kangaroo math competition results were shared with students. Our school had students place 1st, 3rd, and 4th for age in the competition.
    2. Executive Director report, Executive Director Paul Kinsley
      1. Current Enrollment: 128.23
      2. Present Challenges
        1. Updates on vendors, lease negotiations, and budget.
      3. Student Achievementand Testing
        1. Allow more time in the schedule for testing.
        2. Initial test results look mixed.
        3. The state will be concerned about growth.
        4. MAP testing underway for the 3 and final round of testing to measure student growth.
        5. Student test results will be used to engage parents to partner for student success.
        6. Parent compact will be introduced next school year.
        7. ESL testing will also take place to measure growth.
        8. Some students will be recommended for retention or summer school.
      4. Staff Update
      1. Two interviews were conducted for the open para position and the middle school language arts teacher for 2016-2017.
      1. LIT (Yelena Hardcopf)
        1. The team is currently looking at data and how to use data to improve student learning.
    3. Financial Report
      1. Monthly Finance Report, Lisa Haseldon, Designs for Learning
        1. Fund balance is currently $146,171.
      2. FY 16 Cash Flow Update
        1. The school is about in line with projected spending for this time in the school year.
  6. Consent Agenda
    1. Minutes of April 14, 2016 with correction to date for the meeting and the time of the May 19th meeting listed as 6pm-7pm
    2. 6.2 Financials for April 2016
      Approval of the consent agenda 6.1 and 6.2.

      Motion by: Christian Schmidt
      Second: Liza Lindman

  7. Old Business
    1. Nasha Shkola 2016-2017 enrollment projections and programming needs-123
      1. The Director reported that our school is $45,000 short of the projections for enrollment and programming needs.
      2. Director Kinsley stated that he wanted money for teachers left alone when budget decisions are made.
      3. Director Kinsley said that the school needs to think about ways to save money.
      4. The Director also discussed moving middle school staff to full time for the upcoming school year.
      5. The school is also looking into getting a robotics and STEM program for science.
      6. Our school received $2,000 matching donation from Land o’ Lakes.
      7. The middle school will likely not have a gym or art class next year. Our school will need to look outside to fulfill this area for middle schoolers.
    2.  Strategic plan of action for 5 years.
      1. The board discussed the need to table this discussion until the June meeting as the new board will be present and will be able to work on the plan with assistance from members leaving the board. The board discussed ways to meet and proposed that it could be done in a retreat in June.
    3. Review of Action Items.
      1. Finance training for board members around the time for planning the budget in March.
        1. Finance training will be completed after July.
      2.  Annual board meeting-June 7, 2016 and election: update and concerns.
        1. The list of open board member positions for the upcoming election includes all parent seats and two community member seats. The board discussed potential candidates among parents and ways to get out awareness of the election and the duty to serve.
  8. New Business
    1. IQS monitoring review and paperwork.
      1. Director Kinsley informed the board that most of the paperwork has been submitted with only a couple more parts yet to be submitted.
      2. The new contract is being created.
    2. Approval of new Employee agreement
      1. The board discussed the wording of the agreement and questions about the need to sign another agreement if salary increases.

        Motion to approve the new at will employee agreement.
        Motion by: Christian Schmidt
        Second by: Ben Wallace

    3. <del>Mark Stripakov-Pre-school partnership proposal</del>
    4. Vendor bids- approval of contracts
      1. MCA-discuss proposal and make decision
      2. Bussing (contract from AST)
        1. AST had a lower bid compared to First Student. The difference between the two bids was $20,000. The board discussed the results.

          Motion to direct the director to move forward with a busing contract with AST.
          Motion by: Ben Wallace
          Second by: Christian Schmidt
          Abstain: Alex Brusilovsky 5-0-0

      3.  Food service two quotes-CKC and Premier

        Motion to move forward with the current food service company.
        Motion by: Liza Lindman
        Second by: Oksana Cox

      4. Audit Firm-2 quotes
        1. Audit firm ABDO is pretty easy to deal with compared to Clifton Allen Larson and the difference between bids is $300.

          Motion to direct the director to move forward with a contract with ABDO due to dissatisfaction with previous vendor.
          Motion by: Ben Wallace
          Second by: Oksana Cox

      5. Designs for Learning-savings of 12,980 from BKDA This switch has resulted in $12,980 of savings.
      6. MVNA-nursing services for school
        1. We use this service occasionally and a good target would be $5,000

          Motion to continue to the contract with MVNA for nursing services.
          Motion by: Christian Schmidt
          Second by: Ben Wallace

    5. Approve MACS Policies Chapter 7 and 8 Motion to approve the adoption of policies 7 and 8 of MACS policies.
      Motion by: Ben Wallace
      Second by: Christian Schmidt
    6. Review FY 17 budget proposal
      1. The board discussed the importance of reviewing the proposed budget prior to the budget meeting. The board will need to approve the proposed budget at the next meeting.
      2. On June second the board will meet at 7pm at the school to discuss the proposed budget.
    7. Title Compliance Response
      1. The school is currently nearing completion of this document.
    8. Admission of young children to K for next year
      1. The board discussed the pro’s and con’s of admitting children bellow 4.5 years old to kindergarten.
    9. Two opportunities of additional income sources-closed session
    10. Potential sub lease for FY 18-How do we proceed?-closed session
    11. School Uniform
      1. The board discussed the haphazard enforcement of school uniform policy with younger grades mostly following dress code and wearing approved clothes while middle school students have disregarded the uniform policy and come dressed in casual clothing.
    12. Staff satisfaction survey and retention-closed session
  9. Other
    1. Open Forum before closed session. Gedaly asked about STEM program and encouraged greater use of websites.
    2. Closed Meeting: 8:49pm-9:40pm. The board moved into a closed session to discuss lease negotiations, staff survey results and retention of staff for 2016-2017 school year.

      Motion to reply to MCA’s letter to reject the offer stated and refer our school’s response to our attorney, Cindy Lovarato.
      Motion by: Ben Wallace
      Second by: Christian Schmidt

      Motion to table the action on retention of staff to the June board meeting.
      Motion by: Christian Schmidt
      Second by: Ben Wallace

  10. Adjourn
    Christian Schmidt moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 PM.
    Motion by: Christian Schmidt
    Second by: Ben Wallace

Action items:

  1. Letter of resignation from Natalya Kormina
  2. Open house May 19th.
  3. May 15th is the candidate deadline for open board seats.
  4. follow up with Cindy Lovarato about staggering board elections.
  5. Check JMC to see what option we have for training staff on the full use of the grading websites features.
  6. Activate the video camera system?
  7. Contact tech person to ensure information is being entered in a timely manner on the website.
  8. Reply to MCA’s letter through our attorney.
  9. Retention of staff to be discussed at June meeting.
  10. June 2nd, 2016 7pm at Nasha Shkola Budget Meeting.
  11. Look for uniforms for children.
  12. Designs versus BKDA?

About Nasha Shkola

Nasha Shkola — Russian for Our School — is an academically rigorous K-8 charter school, providing a highly-structured learning environment for students interested in Russian language and culture.

Contact Us

    School Info

    Nasha Shkola
    6717 85th Ave North
    Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

    Phone: 763-496-5550
    Fax: 763-424-8520

    School Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8:30 am – 4:30 pm

    Office Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8 am – 4 pm