Policies and application for enrollment at Nasha Shkola.

Nasha Shkola Admissions and Enrollment Policies and Procedures

Information About Enrolling in Public Kindergarten
Информация о зачислении детей в нулевой класс

Enrollment of Ukrainian Students in Minnesota Schools
Зарахування українців до шкіл Міннесоти


A charter school, including its preschool or prekindergarten program established under section 124E.06 subdivision 3, paragraph (b) may limit admission to:

  1. Pupils within age group or grade level;
  2. Pupils who are eligible to participate in the graduation incentives program under Minnesota Statutes §124E.68; or
  3. Residents of a specific geographic area in which the school is located when the majority of students served by the school are members of underserved populations.


  1. Nasha Shkola is a public school and pursuant to state law, must enroll an eligible student who submits a timely application, unless the number of applications exceeds the capacity of the program, class, grade level, or building. When that occurs, students will be accepted by lot and admitted as further described in section V.
  2. Before admitting a student on the lottery list, Nasha Shkola shall give preference for enrollment to siblings of an enrolled student and to a foster child of that pupil’s parents.
  3. Before accepting students by lot, Nasha Shkola will give preference to enrolling children of the school’s staff before accepting other pupils by lot.
  4. Nasha Shkola shall not discriminate against any student based on race, color, ethnicity, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, religion or creed, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, disability, intellectual ability, prior measures of achievement or aptitude, athletic ability, or for any other basis that would be unlawful for a public or charter school.
  5. Nasha Shkola shall not seek any information about any applicant that may be used to discriminate against the applicant in either school’s policies or governing la.ws This does not preclude the school from seeking such information for a lawful purpose about a student after the student has been admitted.
  6. Notwithstanding any other provision of this policy to the contrary, in compliance with the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Education and with the 2011 settlement agreement in ACLU v. TIZA, et al. litigation, Nasha Shkola shall not select students based on religious preference.
  7. Nasha Shkola will not distribute any services or goods of value to students, parents or guardians as an inducement, term or condition of enrolling a student unless required to do so by Minnesota’s Pupil Fee Law.
  8. Nasha Shkola Charter School will work closely with students who are offered protections through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to support the student enrollment process.


  1. Interested families will submit applications up until September 1 of each school year the lottery date or determined deadline. The board of directors may change the deadline for applications for the next school year by resolution without changing this policy.
  2. Nasha Shkola will accept applications for admission to grade levels for which up to 24 students will be accepted per classroom. The board of directors may increase one or more grades’ capacity by resolution and without changing this policy prior to the date on which applications close.
  3. Formal recruitment of incoming students will begin before or during January of each year. The school will encourage families to meet with the faculty, staff and/or board members to discuss the value of Nasha Shkola, and its expectations of students and their families.
  4. Once the application period is closed, if there are more applicants than spots available, all timely applicants will be placed on one of two lists by grade: (a) a preference list of students given first priority to siblings or foster children of the student’s parents, (b) Second priority of Staff children, c.) All remaining students. All lists will be randomized and offers of enrollment will be made to students in the order in which they are listed for each grade until classes are full.
    1. This lottery will be held no later than May 15th, after the student application deadline.
    2. Notice of the lottery will be made public via website and local news outlets or other means deemed necessary.


  1. A “sibling” is defined as a student applicant who is related to an enrolled student with the same father and/or mother either (1) genetically, or (2) through legal process, i.e., adoption, guardianship, or foster parent. Sibling preference does not apply until one of the siblings is actually enrolled.
  2. Siblings of currently enrolled students will be given first priority. If there are more sibling applicants than spots for a particular grade, the sibling applicants will be shuffled by lot each year and then offers of enrollment will be made in the order drawn.
  3. Second priority will be given to children of school staff. If a staff member’s employment is ended for any reason, the child moves to the end of the non-preferential waiting list.
  4. Once all sibling applicants and children of school staff have been placed, other applicants will be offered enrollment in order for the remaining seats available
  5. If any student, whether enrolled or on the waiting list, cancels their application or withdraws from Nasha Shkola, they shall lose their place. If they later re-apply, they shall be treated as a new applicant.
  6. All applicants still on a waiting list at the beginning of the next enrollment period must submit a new application for enrollment and will be subject to the enrollment process described above. The waiting lists do not carry over from year to year.


  1. Nasha Shkola shall actively promote itself before and during the enrollment period to recruit students to meet its enrollment goals as set by the board of directors.
  2. In accordance with its marketing strategy, Nasha Shkola may use the measures below, among others, to recruit student applicants.
    1. Post flyers and notices in local newspapers and/or blogs and online newspapers.
    2. Post the admissions policy and application (available for download) on the school’s website.
  3. Nasha Shkola will provide translation services, as necessary, for all promotional materials and any person-to-person interaction.


  1. Nasha Shkola does not accept applications for kindergarten students who are not age five on or before September 1st of the calendar year in which the school year for which the student seeks admission.
  2. Nasha Shkola does not accept applications for first grade students who are not age six on September 1 of the calendar year in which the school year for which the pupils seeks admission commences or has completed kindergarten.

Legal References:
Minn. Stat. §124E.11 subd. 9 (Admission Requirements)
Minn. Stat. §§123B.36-.37 (Authorized Fees; Prohibited Fees)

Enrollment Form

    About Nasha Shkola

    Nasha Shkola — Russian for Our School — is an academically rigorous K-8 charter school, providing a highly-structured learning environment for students interested in Russian language and culture.

    Contact Us

      School Info

      Nasha Shkola
      6717 85th Ave North
      Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

      Phone: 763-496-5550
      Fax: 763-424-8520

      School Hours
      Monday – Friday:
      8:30 am – 4:30 pm

      Office Hours
      Monday – Friday:
      8 am – 4 pm