News & Announcements

School updates, important dates, and other notices.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: April 19, 2022

  1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Recognition of Visitors and Board Co-Chairs
    • Alexej Abyzov: Present
    • Mark Eilers: Present
    • Natalya Johnson: Present
    • Elizaveta Lindman: Present
    • Marisol Serdiouk: Present
    • Nicole Nelson: Present
    • Yelena Hardcopf, Executive Director, ex officio board member.
    • Visitors: Lisa Hasledalen, Paul Kinsley, Kevin Peck, as well as two parent attendees: Lydia Tonoyan and Peter Keller
  2. Approval of the Agenda for this meeting
    Motion to approve
    Motion by: Marisol Serdiouk
    Seconded by: Alexej Abyzov
  3. Read the Nasha Shkola Mission and Vision
    To be an academically rigorous school preparing students for continued success as motivated learners and global citizens.
    Mission: Nasha Shkola aspires to be a multi-cultural charter school committed to exceptional education in all areas of academic inquiry with an emphasis on Russian Language and Culture, providing structured and responsive learning environment based upon educational best practices for all students and their families.
  4. Open Forum for members of the public wishing to address the board.
  5. Reports
    1. Financial Report (Lisa Hasledalen)
      1. Monthly Finance Report: March 2022
        • Fund 01:
          • As of March 31, 2022 the school has received in Fund 01 a total of $1,177,068 of current Fiscal Year State, Federal, and Local revenues which is 78% of its current budgeted amount.
          • As of March 31, 2022 the school has expended in Fund 01 $1,112,031 which is 74% of its current budgeted expense.
          • Nasha Shkola ended March 2022 with a current fiscal year to date Fund 01 positive balance of $65,037.
        • Fund 02:
          • As of March 31, 2022 the school has received in Fund 02 a total of $40,872 of current Fiscal Year State, Federal, and Local revenues which is 106% of its current budgeted amount.
          • As of March 31, 2022 the school has expended in Fund 02 $48,040 which is 124% of its current budgeted expense.
          • Nasha Shkola ended March 2022 with a current fiscal year to date Fund 02 deficit balance of ($7,168).
        • Overview:
          • Nasha Shkola had a total cash balance of $317,991 at the end of March 2022 reflected across all funds.
          • Nasha Shkola Charter School had a balance of $4,892 in accounts receivable on March 31, 2022.
          • There was a balance of $40,647 in current liabilities for general accounts payable and payroll liabilities on March 31, 2022.
          • Nasha Shkola had an overall audited fund balance of $278,559 on June 30, 2021 which includes its investments in fixed assets.
      2. Adopted & Revised Budgets for FY22
        • Fund 01:
          • The Revised Budget is based on 130 / 135 ADM. The total Fund 01 revenue for 2021-2022 is $1,558,506.
    2. Director report
      1. School update
        • Enrollment:
          • Enrollment has been increasing. In the last month, 4 new students have been enrolled.
        • Operations:
          • The Health and Safety protocols continue to be followed.
          • Masks continue to be recommended, but not required.
        • Student achievement (MCA):
          • MCA testing has started. NWEA testing will be starting Monday, April 25th.
        • Employment/staff update:
          • We are looking for a middle school English Language Arts teacher and an ESL teacher for the upcoming school year.
  6.  Consent Agenda

    1. Minutes of March 15, 2022 Board meeting
    2. Financials March, 2022
    3. Adopted & Revised Budgets for FY22

      Motion to approve
      Motion by: Alexej Abyzov
      Seconded by: Nicole Nelson

  7. Old Business
    1. New Lease & School relocation in 22-23

      Motion to approve
      Motion by: Marisol Serdiouk
      Seconded by: Natalya Johnson

    2. NS Planning 22-23
      • Enrollment projections and budget planning:
        • The intent-to-return survey has been completed. This survey does not include responses from newly added families.
        • 95 students will be returning, 15 have not decided, and 21 students will not be returning.
        • Currently, 15 kindergarten students are enrolled for the upcoming school year.
      • Contractors & Vendors
        • Transportation contract 22-23
        • Current bus costs are $165,000. Rates will be increasing in the upcoming school year.
        • The transportation contract with the NorthStar Bus Lines will be renewed.

          Motion to approve
          Motion by: Alexej Abyzov
          Seconded by: Marisol Serdiouk

    3. Annual meeting & board elections update
      • New candidates: Peter Keller and Lydia Tonoyan are looking to be part of the school board as parent representatives. The school development committee will review the applications and potentially interview the candidates.
  8. New Business
    1. Strategic planning & school development:
      • We are looking to form a Strategic Planning committee that will help improve the school on long-term goals i.e. student retention, potential baccalaureate program, etc.
    2. Board Self-Evaluation
      • The Board Self-Evaluation has been completed.
    3. Director evaluation
      • The Director Evaluation is underway and results will be reviewed during the next board meeting.
  9. Other
    1. The board moves to approve Yelena Hardcopf to complete the Charter School Leadership Certificate program through Southwest Minnesota State University. The board moves to approve the allocation of funds to pay for this program.

      Motion to approve
      Motion by: Natalya Johnson
      Seconded by: Nicole Nelson

  10. Adjourn

    Motion to approve
    Motion by: Marisol Serdiouk
    Seconded by: Natalya Johnson

The Nasha Shkola Board meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM. 
The Finance Committee meets at 5:30 prior to the board meeting.

About Nasha Shkola

Nasha Shkola — Russian for Our School — is an academically rigorous K-8 charter school, providing a highly-structured learning environment for students interested in Russian language and culture.

Contact Us

    School Info

    Nasha Shkola
    6717 85th Ave North
    Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

    Phone: 763-496-5550
    Fax: 763-424-8520

    School Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8:30 am – 4:30 pm

    Office Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8 am – 4 pm