The federal law known as the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act requires that states and school districts eliminate barriers to immediate school enrollment for students experiencing homelessness.
Admission of Homeless Students
Homeless youth and foster youth have additional legal protections which permit them to enroll in a school, even if the school has reached its enrollment cap, before documentation and paperwork may be in place with the school. Please ensure compliance with the law which provides for immediate enrollment of homeless, highly mobile and foster children in a new school if it is in the child’s best interest, even if the child is unable to produce records normally required for enrollment.
Identification of Homeless Students
Homeless students are identified at Nasha Shkola Charter School in multiple ways. Families can indicate their living situation through the registration process or alert the NSCS Homeless Liason, Yelena Hardcopf, if they experience changes in their living status. NSCS strives to support our students by promoting school stability and connecting students and families with the resources they need for academic success.
Educational Rights of Homeless Students
The McKinney-Vento Act requires that states and school districts eliminate barriers to immediate school enrollment for students experiencing homelessness.
Homeless Students are Entitled To:
- FREE Lunch at NSCS
- Transportation to and from NSCS
- Support from teachers
- Information on available resources outside of school
- Remain enrolled at NSCS despite changes in living location
- Equal opportunities for school success
To request more information or to identify a student as homeless, please contact Nasha Shkola Homeless Liaison,Yelena Hardcopf at or 763-496-5550.
MN State Contact:
Roberto Reyes
State Homeless Coordinator McKinney-Vento
Phone: 651-582-8302