School updates, important dates, and other notices.
Board of Directors Special Meeting Agenda: June 15, 2023
Meeting Time: 6:30 PM
Purpose: The Board of Directors of the Nasha Shkola Charter School will meet on Thursday June 13, 2023 at 6:30 pm. for the purpose discussing the approval of a lease agreement and to have a confidential discussion with is legal counsel in closed session to discuss threatened litigation.
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda.
Approval of Lease Agreement.
Closed Session.
The Board of Directors will go into a closed session pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13D.05, subd. 3(b). Minnesota’s Open Meeting Law allows the Board of Directors to close a meeting pursuant to the attorney-client privilege. The Board of Directors will go into a closed session to meet with the School’s legal counsel for the purpose of discussing the threatened litigation against the School.
Nasha Shkola — Russian for Our School — is an academically rigorous K-8 charter school, providing a highly-structured learning environment for students interested in Russian language and culture.
Contact Us
School Info
Nasha Shkola
6717 85th Ave North
Brooklyn Park, MN 55445