News & Announcements

School updates, important dates, and other notices.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: March 19, 2024

  1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Recognition of Visitors
    • Mark Eilers: Present (online)
    • Nicole Nelson: Present
    • Lydia Tonoyan: Present
    • Natalya Johnson: Absent
    • Peter Keller: Absent
    • Mary Moen: Present
    • Yelena Hardcopf, Executive Director, ex officio board member
    • Visitors: Paul Kinsley, Tracy Quarnstrom, 1 undisclosed online guest
  2. Conflict of interest check
    There is no conflict of interest.
  3. Approval of the Agenda for this meeting
    Motion to approve the agenda
    Motion by: Mary Moen
    Seconded by: Peter Keller
  4. Read the Nasha Shkola Mission and Vision
    Mission: Nasha Shkola aspires to be a multi-cultural charter school committed to exceptional education in all areas of academic inquiry with an emphasis on Russian Language and Culture, providing structured and responsive learning environment based upon educational best practices for all students and their families.
    Vision: To be an academically rigorous school preparing students for continued success as motivated learners and global citizens.
  5. Reports
    1. February 2024 Financial Report: Lydia Tonoyan
      • Fund 01
        • As of February 29, 2024 the school has received in Fund 01 a total of $923,045 of current Fiscal Year State, Federal, and Local revenues which is 56% of its current budgeted amount.
        • As of February 29, 2024 the school has expended in Fund 01 $1,066,410 which is 63% of its current budgeted expense.
        • NS ended February 2024 with a current fiscal year to date Fund 01 deficit balance (revenues received less expenditures incurred) of ($143,366).
      • Fund 02
        • As of February 29, 2024 the school has received in Fund 02 a total of $56,915 of current Fiscal Year State, Federal, and Local revenues which is 90% of its current budgeted amount.
        • As of February 29, 2024 the school has expended in Fund 02 $55,125 which is 88% of its current budgeted expense.
        • NSl ended February 2024 with a current fiscal year to date Fund 02 positive balance (revenues received less expenditures incurred) of $1,790.
      • Fund 04
        • As of February 29, 2024 the school has received in Fund 04 a total of $380 of current Fiscal Year State, Federal, and Local revenues which is 32% of its current budgeted amount.
        • As of February 29, 2024 the school has expended in Fund 04 $672 which is 57 of its current budgeted expense.
        • Nasha Shkola Charter School ended February 2024 with a current fiscal year to date Fund 04 deficit balance (revenues received less expenditures incurred) of ($292)
      • General notes:
        • NS had a total cash balance of $110,314 at the end of February 2024 reflected across all funds.
        • NS had a balance of $12,195 in accounts receivable at February 29, 2024.
        • There was a balance of $106,776 in current liabilities for general accounts payable and payroll liabilities at February 29, 2024. A portion of the liability is for payroll withholdings on the last day of the month which are not paid until the first days of the next month, thus they are reflected on the current balance sheet.
    2. Executive Director report – Yelena Hardcopf
      • Current enrollment 108
      • WIDA ACCESS for ELLs is near completion. 60 English Language Learners are being assessed.
      • MCA state assessment 3-8 will take place after the spring break
      • 22-23 SPED audit completed – maintenance of effort
      • Annual Talent Show and PTO fundraiser took place March 7, 2024
      • Annual Reading Month events take place in March
      • Kangaroo Math will take place March 21, 2024
  6.  Consent Agenda
    1. Minutes of February 20, 2024 Board meeting
    2. Financials February 2024

      Motion to approve the consent agenda
      Motion by: Peter Keller
      Seconded by: Mary Moen

  7. Old Business
    1. FY24 contracts with private contractors/vendors: transportation contract
      • Yelena Hardcopf and Paul Kinsley will meet with Carl Allen, 4MOTIV to discuss the transportation services in 23-24.
      • Annual inspection of school transportation vehicles by MN State Patrol: all vehicles used by NS to transport students are in compliance (presence of a sticker in the lower driver’s side corner of the windshield indicating that the vehicle passed the school bus inspection).
  8. New Business
    1. Mid-Year Report from Authorizer
      • School by-laws were updated in the spring of 2023. Post the updated by-laws on school website.
      • 3-year budget planning is in place. The plan needs to be adjusted annually.
      • Arrange a meeting with the Krissy Wright Quinn for clarification on the mid-year report
    2. Director Evaluation

      Motion to table Director Evaluation until April 16, 2024 NS Board meeting
      Motion by: Peter Keller
      Seconded by: Mark Eilers

    3. Review and update board policies:
      Policy 7.3.3 Fundraising
      Policy 7.3.4 Student Fee Requirements and Prohibitions
      Policy 7.4 Data Access Policy for Members of the Public
      Policy 7.5 Annual Audit

      Motion to approve Policy 7.3.3, 7.3.4, 7.4, 7.5
      Motion by: Mark Eilers
      Seconded by: Peter Keller

  9. Other
    Motion to move June Board meeting to June 4, 2024
    Motion by: Peter Keller
    Seconded by: Lydia Tonoyan
  10. Adjourn
    Motion to adjourn at 7:08 PM
    Motion by: Peter Keller
    Seconded by: Peter Keller

Next Board Meeting:
The Nasha Shkola Board meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM.
The Finance Committee meets at 5:30PM prior to the board meeting.
See the Nasha Shkola web page for the agenda and minutes of meetings.

About Nasha Shkola

Nasha Shkola — Russian for Our School — is an academically rigorous K-8 charter school, providing a highly-structured learning environment for students interested in Russian language and culture.

Contact Us

    School Info

    Nasha Shkola
    6717 85th Ave North
    Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

    Phone: 763-496-5550
    Fax: 763-424-8520

    School Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8:30 am – 4:30 pm

    Office Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8 am – 4 pm