News & Announcements

School updates, important dates, and other notices.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: March 15, 2022

  1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Recognition of Visitors and Board Co-Chairs
    • Alexej Abyzov: Present
    • Mark Eilers: Present
    • Natalya Johnson: Present
    • Elizaveta Lindman: Present
    • Marisol Serdiouk: Present
    • Nicole Nelson: Absent
    • Yelena Hardcopf, Executive Director, ex officio board member.
    • Visitors: Dr. Lora Lepisto Brown and Lisa Hasledalen
  2. Approval of the Agenda for this meeting
    Motion to approve
    Motion by: Natalya Johnson
    Seconded by: Marisol Serdiouk
  3. Read the Nasha Shkola Mission and Vision
    To be an academically rigorous school preparing students for continued success as motivated learners and global citizens.
    Mission: Nasha Shkola aspires to be a multi-cultural charter school committed to exceptional education in all areas of academic inquiry with an emphasis on Russian Language and Culture, providing structured and responsive learning environment based upon educational best practices for all students and their families.
  4. Open Forum for members of the public wishing to address the board.
  5. Reports
    • Executive Director report
      • NS has been considered to be one of the top charter schools in Minnesota.

      1. School update
        • Enrollment: the enrollment has been stable.
        • Operations: operations have been stable. We have not needed to go into any more Distance Learning. Attendance has been on the rise.
        • Student achievement (ACCESS, NWEA):
          We are finishing the ACCESS test. For Kindergarteners, this test is conducted one-on-one.
        • Employment/staff update: We are continuing to look for a SPED Para and a full-time Kindergarten teacher.
    • Financial Report
      1. Monthly Finance Report – February 2022
        • Fund 01
          • As of February 28, 2022 the school has received in Fund 01 a total of $996,205 of current Fiscal Year State, Federal, and Local revenues which is 66% of its current budgeted amount.
          • As of February 28, 2022 the school has expended in Fund 01 $988,142 which is 66% of its current budgeted expense.
          • Nasha Shkola ended February 2022 with a current fiscal year to date Fund 01 positive balance of $8,063.
        • Fund 02
          • As of February 28, 2022 the school has received in Fund 02 a total of $34,848 of current Fiscal Year State, Federal, and Local revenues which is 90% of its current budgeted amount.
          • As of February 28, 2022 the school has expended in Fund 02 $41,058 which is 106% of its current budgeted expense.
          • Nasha Shkola ended February 2022 with a current fiscal year to date Fund 02 deficit balance of ($6,211).
  6.  Consent Agenda

    1. Minutes of February 15, 2022 Board meeting
    2. Financials February, 2022
      Motion to approve
      Motion by: Marisol Serdiouk
      Seconded by: Natalya Johnson
  7. Old Business
    1. NS Health & Safety Plan – monthly update
      • We are following the current NS Health & Safety Plan: masks are “highly recommended,” students and staff with respiratory symptoms wear masks, a daily health check is sent to parents every morning, and students who are sick are encouraged to stay home.
    2. Programming needs 22-23:
      • Learning Recovery: Summer program & Afterschool tutoring:
        • The Summer program for the 2022-2023 school year will be the week of August 8th, 2022. It will be a one-week session.
      • PreK:
        • We will receive a confirmation of PreK funding soon. It will be a fee-based program.
      • Staff (ELA teacher 5-8):
        • Our current ELA teacher will not be returning to Nasha Shkola next school year. We will start looking for a new ELA teacher for the middle school grades.
      • Enrollment projections and budget planning:
        • The Intent to Return survey will be emailed to families on 3/15/22.
          Once the surveys are complete, an emergency Board Meeting may be called to discuss the findings.
    3. School relocation/Lease 22-23 – follow up
      • The administration at St. Margaret’s school location will be meeting this week to discuss the details of our lease proposal.
      • Kevin Peck will be working to set a meeting with NS admin and St. Margaret’s admin to discuss the use of the building.
    4. Board self-evaluation (mid year)
      • The Board self-evaluation surveys have been sent to board members for completion.
      • We will discuss the results of the survey at the next board meeting.
    5. Director Evaluation
      • A Director Evaluation survey will be sent to board members soon.
      • The results will be discussed at the next board meeting.
    6. Board Election 2022: monthly update
      • Currently, we have 6 board member positions filled out of 9. We have two teachers, two parent board members, and two community members.
      • We are looking for a new teacher board member candidate and a parent board member candidate.
  8. New Business
    1. School Calendar 2022-2023
      • A school calendar draft for the 2022 – 2023 school year has been created.]

        Motion to approve
        Motion by: Alexej Abyzov
        Seconded by: Natalya Johnson

    2. Review and update board policies: Chapter 5 (5.1.1-5.2.2)
      Policy 5.1.1 Admissions Policy with Lottery
      Policy 5.2.1 Attendance-Absences
      Policy 5.2.2 Compulsory Attendance

      Motion to approve
      Motion by: Liza Lindman
      Seconded by: Natalya Johnson

  9. Other
    1. Closed meeting

      Motion to approve
      Motion by: Alexej Abyzov
      Seconded by: Marisol Serdiouk

      Motion to re-open the meeting:
      Motion to approve
      Motion by: Liza Lindman
      Seconded by: Natalya Johnson

  10. Adjourn

    Motion to approve
    Motion by: Alexej Abyzov
    Seconded by: Marisol Serdiouk

The Nasha Shkola Board meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM. 
The Finance Committee meets at 5:30 prior to the board meeting.

About Nasha Shkola

Nasha Shkola — Russian for Our School — is an academically rigorous K-8 charter school, providing a highly-structured learning environment for students interested in Russian language and culture.

Contact Us

    School Info

    Nasha Shkola
    6717 85th Ave North
    Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

    Phone: 763-496-5550
    Fax: 763-424-8520

    School Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8:30 am – 4:30 pm

    Office Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8 am – 4 pm