News & Announcements

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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: January 22, 2015

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Roll Call and Recognition of Visitors and Board Co-Chairs
    1. Yelena Hardcopf: Present
    2. Oksana Cox: Present
    3. Tatyana Kucherenko:Present
    4. Ben Wallace: Present
    5. Natalia Kormina: Present
    6. Alex Brusilovsky:Present
    7. Elizaveta Lindman: Present
    8. Christian Schmidt: Present
    9. Tim Luts: Absent
    10. Jake Nelson, Director – ex-officio member: Present
    11. Visitors in attendance:Lowell Haagenson, Shana Bregenzer-Brenny, Bob Wedl , Dr. Stephen O’ Connor, Gedaly Meerovich.
  3. Read Nasha Shkola Vision – What has been done this past month to bring the NS vision closer to reality?
  4. Agenda Approval Add to Other: Medical benefits policy adjustment Motion by Oksana Cox Second: Natalia Kormina Approved 6-0
  5. Open Forum (Persons wishing to speak)
    1. NS Priority status (SSOS resources; SIG grant opportunity) Lowell Haagenson: Explanation of assistance provided by CSP. SIG grant can provide our school with resources to increase our students’ achievement. The federal government will have more info on the CSP grant on January 28th through a webinar.
    2. Director Report (Jake Nelson)
      1. Enrollment update
      2. Leadership Implementation Team Explanation of the LIT team’s hypothesis of the root causes of our schools priority school status. Next steps of the LIT: Complete research on evidence based practices to help increase student achievement. Use the hexagon tool to help determine the best practices to implement.
      3. Curriculum
      4. Staff (employment & training)
    3. Bob Wedl (IQS): Announced the transition of the IQS leadership . Introduced Dr. Stephen O’ Conner.
    4. Finances Report (Kara Gaffy) Jake Nelson: The school will lose $ 70,000 dollars at the start of the 2015-2016 school year due to student enrollment reduction from 2013-2014 to our current enrollment in 2014-2015. Kara advises the board to be conservative. Kara has also advised we look into applying for a line of credit, so that the school would avoid missing payments to vendors in June, July, 2015.
    5. Federal CSP Grant report (Jake Nelson) The school has spent $190,000 of the $225,000 grant. $35,000 left. The school can use the money to buy curriculum and training.
    6. Marketing committee report (Natalia Kormina) Facebook posts, use our parents to market the school. Create a partnership with another school. We should participate in the Festival of Nations.
    7. School By-laws update (Yelena Hardcopf): The revision is in process. CONSENT AGENDA
  7. Approval of Minutes: December 18th, 2014 Board Meeting Motion by Tatyana Kucherenko Seconded by Oksana Cox Approved: 7-0
  8. Approval of Minutes: January 15th, 2015 Board Work Meeting/Open Forum Motion by Ben Wallace (Approve with corrections) Seconded by Liza Lindman Approved: 7-0
  9. Approve Financials: December, 2014 Motion by Christian Schmidt Second by Ben Wallace Approved: 7-0 ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/ APPROVAL
  10. Review and update school policies
    1. Mileage reimbursement policy for families driving their children to school. Alex Bursilovski: Department of Education report on reimbursement policy. The school can pay parents more than the state guidelines, but will not be reimbursed for money in excess of state guidelines.
  11. New vendor for school pre-pay card. Nelson: need to reapply for a new pre-pay card.
  12. Future development of school programs (high school & preschool): Action plan – Open house – Academic showcase along with the talent show – Kick starter for fundraising. – Combined 9-12 grade enrollment Task Group on High School: Natalya, Liza, Yelena, and Christian.
  13. NS curriculum:
    1. Music in Middle School
      Natalya Kormina raised concern of some parents in regards to music lessons: some parents advocate for less music classes and more academic classes. Jake Nelson: The amount of music, theatre, choir, etc has not changed since the beginning of the year. The theater and choir was not listed on the middle school schedule. The current changes allow for students to only miss a portion of academic class, 20 minutes as opposed to a full hour. Teachers have reported that they like this schedule better.
    2. Enrichment of academic program
      Yelena Hardcopf: We need to introduce enrichment classes/options to our students such as Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, WordMaster, math enrichment, or other types of enrichment activities. Field trips should be a part of this, but they need to be academically oriented and connected to what students are learning is in the classroom.
      Natalia: We need to think of building the spirit of our school as well.
  14. NS Enrollment for 2015-2016. School Open House. The open house should be closer to March.
  15. Board treasurer: review responsibilities Bob Wedl: Board treasurer works with BKDA and director to review the finances monthly and must know the finances and sign the checks.
  16. Board self-evaluation (turn in forms)
  17. Other
    Nelson: The school needs to adjust our medical policy to accommodate staff that go over 10 sick days.
    Alex Brusilovsky: We should put into the policy that any teacher can petition the board in cases of severe illness can also request more sick days.
    Motion by Alex Brusilovsky: Move to amend the policy on sick days and allow any employee who has an extenuating circumstance to petition the director for additional sick days beyond the 10 allotted as needed.
    Seconded by Ben Wallace Approved 7-0

    1. Next Board meeting – Thursday, February 19 th, 2015 Board Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm
    2. Finance committee –the 3rd Thursday of the month at 5: 30pm 18.
  18. Evaluation of the Meeting
    1. What went well?
    2. What did not?
  19. Adjourn meeting


Action items for March meeting:

  1. Marketing committee to discuss ways to promote the school and increase enrollment numbers.
  2. Academic showcase in addition to Talent show.
  3. School wide plan for enrichment activities
  4. Field trip plan
  5. Set the date for Parents meeting and school open house.

About Nasha Shkola

Nasha Shkola — Russian for Our School — is an academically rigorous K-8 charter school, providing a highly-structured learning environment for students interested in Russian language and culture.

Contact Us

    School Info

    Nasha Shkola
    6717 85th Ave North
    Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

    Phone: 763-496-5550
    Fax: 763-424-8520

    School Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8:30 am – 4:30 pm

    Office Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8 am – 4 pm