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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: July 16, 2015

  1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Recognition of Visitors and Board Co-Chairs
    1. Yelena Hardcopf: Present
    2. Oksana Cox:Present
    3. Natalia Kormina:Present
    4. Elizaveta Lindman: Present
    5. Christian Schmidt: Present
    6. Ben Wallace: Absent
    7. Alex Brusilovsky: Present
    8. Jake Nelson, Director – ex-officio member: Present
    9. Visitors in attendance: Gedaly Meerovich and Cindy Lavorto (Ms. Lovarto called in via speaker phone for a small portion of the meeting.)
  2. Approval of the Agenda for this meeting
    The board moves to approve the agenda with the inclusion of a phone call with Attorney Cindy Lavorto to
    discuss the revision of bylaws.
    Motion by: Christian Schmidt
    Second: Oksana Cox
  3. Read the Nasha Shkola Mission and Vision
  4. Open Forum for members of the public wishing to address the board
    Mr. Meerovich requested permission from the board and the interim director to have an outreach presentation at the school with Slavic community leaders on drug awareness among youth in October or November, 2015.
  5. Reports
    1. Co-Chairs Executive Report – Yelena Hardcopf
      1. Current Enrollment 135. Four students left and eight students were added since the last board
        Enrollment Projections for 15-16
      2. Staff update
        One elementary teaching position, one part time ESL position, one .83 language arts middle school teaching position, and one Russian language pre-school teaching position are open for the 2015-2016 school years. The open positions are being posted weekly on education employment websites.
    2. Financial Report
      1. Monthly Finance Report – No changes. BKDA did not submit a report.
      2. All money from the CSP Grant has been spent. A report on Nasha Shkola Charter School’s use of the money is due July 30th, 2015. The report will be completed by Jake Nelson.
  6. Consent Agenda
    1. Minutes of June 18th, 2015 board meeting.
    2. Approve work agreements:
      Katie Stresow—2nd grade teacher.
      Inna Bly—school administrative assistant.
    3. Approve job responsibilities for executive director and head teacher position
  7. Old Business
    1. Job responsibilities of the executive director position and head teacher position. The board discussed the responsibilities for each position. The board also discussed perceived areas of overlap with regards to the responsibilities of each position.

      The board moves to approve the responsibilities of the executive director and head teacher.

      Motion by Natalya Kormina:
      Second: Oksana Cox

    2. Discussion of candidates interviewed for the executive director position. The board discussed the qualifications and experience of each candidate interviewed and how well the individual would fit with Nasha Shkola Charter School.

      The board moves to authorize the interim director to offer the executive director position .5 FTE to Paul Kinsey for $35,000 to start at a date acceptable to Mr. Kinsey.

      Motion by: Alex Brusilovsky
      Second: Christian Schmidt

    3. The board discussed the need to compensate the interim director, Yelena Hardcopf, for work completed since the resignation of Jake Nelson.

      The board moves to compensate the interim director for services provided after July 1st, 2015 at $500 a week.

      Motion by: Alex Brusilovsky
      Second: Oksana Cox
      Abstain: Yelena Hardcopf

    4. Annual goals. Ms. Hardcopf informed the board that the Strategic Plan Scorecard for Nasha Shkola Charter School hasn’t been completed by school administrator in the last two years. The scorecard is important to the school’s upcoming reauthorization from IQS and must be completed and posted on the website. The board then discussed how to proceed with regards to completing the scorecard and determined that a formal action will wait for the August board meeting.
    5. Educational/cultural expectations of NS parents. The board discussed the expectations of NS parents with regards to education and cultural expectations. The board was given a printed copy of the expectations.

      The board moves to implement and incorporate the educational and cultural expectations of Nasha Shkola Charter School parents in daily classroom instruction and school policies and procedures. This process will be overseen by the executive director and head teacher.

      Motion by: Liza Lindman
      Second: Natalya Kormina

    6. Approval and discussion of revised by laws establishing election schedules and term limits for board members. Each board member was given a document created by attorney Cindy Lovarto that outlined the terms of previous board members and sitting board members. At this time Cindy Lovarto was connected via speaker phone with the board and offered legal advice with regards to the revision of bylaws establishing election schedules and term limits for board members. Ms. Lovarto explained that the bylaws referenced terms but did not specify the term limit for each board
      member. Non-profit law which Nasha Shkola must follow specifies that without the term limit specified each board member is elected to a one year term. Ms. Lovarto explained that this could cause future trouble for the school and board as an entire board could potentially retire at the same time resulting in a high turnover rate. The board discussed the need for staggering the term limits of board members with to avoid such a scenario. The board discussed potential structures with regards to board membership and term limits. The board also discussed the need to appoint interim members for positions that become open during the year due to resignation or termination of board members. The board discussed the need to adopt staggered term limits. In the interim before adoption of staggered term limits Ms. Lovarto advised the board to move to have all current members serve for one year until terms are established and then hold a school board election where all current board members are up for re-election to newly revised board positions with staggered term limits. The board discussed the advice of Ms. Lovarto and how to proceed with regards to the new information.

      The board moves to appoint Yelena Hardcopf, Oksana Cox, Ben Wallace, Alex Brusilovsky, Christian Schmidt, Natalia Kormina, and Elizaveta Lindman for a one year term to expire at the next annual meeting to be held in June of 2016. At the June 2016 annual meeting the seats of all board members will be open for election and the new term schedule will be established according to by laws.

      Motion by: Alex Brusilovsky
      Second by: Natalia Kormina

  8. New Business
    1. Nasha Shkola Board Activity Calendars 2015-2016

      The board moves to approve the activity calendar with the addition of board member term length to the August meeting and the adoption of new by laws in September.

      Motion by Christian Schmidt
      Second: Oksana Cox

    2. Review and appoint board committees, representatives of committees, and board officers.

      The board discussed the current membership and activities of each committee and decided to postpone further action until the next board meeting.

  9. Other
    1. School Website
      The board discussed the need to clean up the website and remove old information. The interim director requested board members to assist in editing and writing content for the website.
    2. Paper work day/ welcome to school day
      The board tentatively decided on having a day for parents and students to visit the school one week before the beginning of classes. The board decided that Thursday September 3rd would be day for the Welcome to School Day.
    3. First Day of school /new school year opening ceremony
      The board discussed the plans for the first bell ceremony.
  10. Adjourn

Action items:

  1. Revisit the time of board meetings.
  2. Recreate scorecard for 2014-2015. To be done by executive director and head teacher.
  3. Working meeting to determine board member terms.
  4. Newsletter should reflect the information regarding open positions, term limits and a clarification of
    election procedures.
  5. The board needs to discuss the space that could be used for Slavic Community Outreach as suggested by
    Gedaly Meerovich.

Next Board Meeting: August 20th, 2015 – 6:30 Nasha Shkola School

The Nasha Shkola Board meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30

About Nasha Shkola

Nasha Shkola — Russian for Our School — is an academically rigorous K-8 charter school, providing a highly-structured learning environment for students interested in Russian language and culture.

Contact Us

    School Info

    Nasha Shkola
    6717 85th Ave North
    Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

    Phone: 763-496-5550
    Fax: 763-424-8520

    School Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8:30 am – 4:30 pm

    Office Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8 am – 4 pm