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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: January 14, 2016

  1. Call to Order, Roll Call and Recognition of Visitors and Board Co-Chairs
    1. Yelena Hardcopf: Present
    2. Oksana Cox: Absent
    3. Natalia Kormina:Absent
    4. Elizaveta Lindman: Present
    5. Christian Schmidt: Present
    6. Ben Wallace: Present
    7. Alex Brusilovsky:Absent
    8. Paul Kinsey, Executive Director, ex officio board member.: Present
    9. Visitors in attendance: Gedaly Meerovich, Paul Donovan of Cushman and Wakefield, Blanca Sanchez of Minnetonka Christian Academy, and James Redfield educational consultant with IQS.
  2. Approval of the Agenda for this meeting
    The board moves to approve the agenda for this meeting.
    Motion by: Christian Schmidt
    Second: Elizaveta Lindman
  3. Read the Nasha Shkola Mission and Vision
  4. Open Forum for members of the public wishing to address the board
    Gedaly Meerovich addressed the board regarding a planned community meeting about youth issues such as drug abuse he would like to see if the school is interested in distributing information about the planned meeting to parents.
  5. Reports
    1. Co-Chairs Executive Report- Yelena Hardcopf
      1. The chair reported that the board has an open seat for a parent candidate.
      2.  The board held a working meeting on January 13 to discuss the feasibility of adding a high school for the 2016-2017 school year.
      3. The board was advised to check that each board member is current for trainings.
      4. The board needs to plan an annual meeting and recruit candidates to run in the June election.
    2. Executive Director report, Executive Director Paul Kinsley
      1. Current Enrollment: 128.39
      2. Present Challenges
        1. The school needs to find a way to increase enrollment or the upcoming school year.
        2.  Our school has not been able to hire a replacement special education teacher. We have hired a special education education assistant and are using Designs for Learning for the services for our identified students.
      3. Student Achievement
        1. The school is getting ready for the MAP Assessment to determine the growth of students in reading and math based on results from fall tests.
        2. Parent teacher conferences will take place during the first week of February.
        3. WEDA testing will begin in March. This testing is necessary to track the development of English language acquisition among students from homes where English is the second language used.
        4. Title services will be audited by the state in February.
        5. The director expressed the need our school has for involved parents willing to help out with the school.
      4. Staff Update
        1. The school has hired a para dedicated to providing special education services to identified students. The teacher will work with Ms. Robinson to support students identified as needing services.
        2. Teachers also need more staff development training as a result teacher will be taking a half day on Friday January 21, 2016 to train on learning targets.
      5. LIT (Yelena Hardcopf)
        1. The group is working on implementing coaching and feedback to teachers post observations.
        2.  The group is also working to improve buy in through a meeting with teachers on January 21, 2016.
    3. Financial Report
      1. Monthly Finance Report, Lisa Haseldon, Designs for Learning
        1. Ms. Haseldon was not present Director Kinsely summarized the report for the board.
        2. The school has received 43% of the state funds.
        3. The school has received 40% of funds from federal sources.
        4. Local funds received total 1,200$ of 8,200 projected for the year or 20% of expected funds.
        5. The school has spent 41% of the expected budget.
        6. Fund balance is $193360.
      2. FY 16 Cash Flow Update
        1. The school has $112,000 in the bank.
        2.  MDE withdrew $43,000 in overpaid funds due to error.
      3. Monthly cash flow as estimated for January and February appear to indicate that the school will exceed revenue in expenses.
      4. However, the school may need to borrow for a line of credit.
      5. Venture Bank could be approached for such a transaction.
      6. The school will initiate a line of credit beginning in January 2016.
  6. Consent Agenda
    1. Minutes of December 10, 2015 Board Meeting
    2. Financials December 2015
    3. Approve work agreement for Melanie Loso-Sped Paraprofessional 1.0 FTE.
      The board moves to approve the consent agenda.
      Motion by: Christian Schmidt
      Second:Ben Wallace
  7. Old Business
    1. Nasha Shkola 2016-2017 programming.
      1.  The board discussed the results of the working meeting held on the topic the previous evening. The board moves to continue our school as a K-8 school for the 2017 school year and revise the opening of a high school in the FYE 2018 school year.

        Motion by: Elizaveta Lindman
        Second: Ben Wallace

    2. Discussions with Minnetonka Christian Academy on cost reductions and building upkeep.
      1. The director sent documents for tax exempt services, our schools mission and vision statement, three years of financials, IQS contract and the 990 forms.
      2. The board discussed the need to move our school and to also look into subleasing of the currently occupied building if the board were to decide to move the school to another location.
      3. The board moves to authorize the director to put together an agreement with Kevin Peck to initiate a search for potential subleases and a potential alternate building for Nasha Shkola to use in the future.

        Motion by: Ben Wallace
        Second: Christian Schmidt

    3. Need to develop/revise the School Strategic Plan.
      1.  The board needs to update and revise the school’s strategic plan, this was one of the topics of discussion during the working meeting the previous evening.
      2. The board discussed possible times for another working meeting to revise the strategic plan.
      3. Meeting tentatively set for February 29th, 2016.
    4.  PTO vs sick/personal days- how do we recapture lost funds when exceeded.
      1. The board discussed options for repayment of funds in excess of the current 7-day allotment.
      2. The board discussed the possibility of creating a closed session of the meeting in June for staff to present a request explaining the need for compensation for time in excess of the seven PTO policy.
    5. Afternoon Supervision
      1. Ms. Lindman has volunteered to supervise the office area and lunch room after 3:15pm.
      2. Josie Boyle and Karen P. volunteered to assist with supervising children waiting for pick up.
  8. New Business
    1. Approval of MACS Chapter 5 Policies
      1. The board discussed the Chapter 5 policies and determined that further study was required before adoption of the Policies.
      2.  The board will revisit the issue.
    2. MDE Food and Nutrition Audit
      1. The school received a positive audit and was advised to work on organization with regards to lunch’s.
    3. TSES Policy
      1. This refers to special education policies.
      2. The board discussed the policies.
      3. The board discussed the need for the policies to be on the website under student services. The board moves to approve the TSES policy for the Nasha Shkola website.

        Motion by: Elizaveta Lindman
        Second: Christian Schmidt

    4. Directors and Officers Coverage
      1. The board is covered by insurance for liabilities related to the school.
    5. Wellness Policy
      1. The board discussed the need to post information about our wellness policy on the website The board moves to approve the wellness policy as written for use by Nasha Shkola.

        Motion by: Ben Wallace
        Second: Christian Schmidt

    6. Cindy Lovarato letter and request.
      1. Ms. Lovarato has written to request assistance in her work on behalf of charter schools with regards to proposals to enforce integration rules on charter schools.
      2. The board discussed the proposal. The board moves to authorize payment in the amount of 500$ to Cindy Lovarato to offset her costs in her work on behalf of charter schools.
        Motion by: Christian Schmidt
        Second: Elizaveta Lindman
  9. Adjourn
    The board moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm

Action items:

  1. Look into board training around the time for planning the budget in March.
  2. Plan annual meeting and recruit more candidates to run for the school board.
  3.  Post the enrollment information on the website.
  4. Tentative working meeting scheduled for February 29th 2016, 7pm.
  5. Allow teachers to petition the board for PTO compensation beyond the current 7 days.
  6. The board needs to re-read MACS policy section 5.
  7.  Vote on TSES must be on the website.
  8.  Student services must be added to the website.
  9.  Inform 8th grade parents of the boards decision on not expanding to 9th grade next year.

About Nasha Shkola

Nasha Shkola — Russian for Our School — is an academically rigorous K-8 charter school, providing a highly-structured learning environment for students interested in Russian language and culture.

Contact Us

    School Info

    Nasha Shkola
    6717 85th Ave North
    Brooklyn Park, MN 55445

    Phone: 763-496-5550
    Fax: 763-424-8520

    School Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8:30 am – 4:30 pm

    Office Hours
    Monday – Friday:
    8 am – 4 pm